Imitation firearms, including airsoft guns and pellet guns, can present serious public safety concerns. Although in Canada the possession of a fake weapon or imitation firearm is not prohibited, it is considered a criminal offence when used in the commission of another Criminal Code offence. The British Columbia Taskforce on Illegal Firearms (2017) reported that law enforcement, schools, and communities across British Columbia expressed growing concerns about the possession and use of imitation firearms, particularly among youth. There are also concerns over a growing number of youth who post photographs on social media sites depicting real or imitation firearms either glorifying the gang lifestyle or to intimidate others. Finally, there can be serious consequences when an imitation firearm is perceived to be a legitimate firearm. For example, the possession of legitimate-looking imitation firearms has resulted in numerous fatal shootings by Canadian police officers (Beeby, 2018; Lambert, 2019). Given these concerns, this research project reviewed existing literature on imitation firearms in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, analysed quantitative data on the number of police calls for service that involved an imitation firearm between 2014 and 2018, reviewed public school district policies in British Columbia, and analysed qualitative data based on interviews with police officers and school district administrators to develop education awareness tools to be delivered in schools concerning imitation firearms.
Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research
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